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Resonating Power supply

The RESONATING POWER SUPPLY Model END - 375 - 650 Vl power supply has been specially designed to meet the specific requirement of high voltage AC testing of power capacitor.
This is a compact, heavy duty and energy saving solution for testing of power capacitor compared to conventional power supply. The power supply works on the principle of parallel resonance and saves drastic amount of power up to 800 to 900%.
Power supply is easy to operate, any semi skilled operator with a small training can use this Set.
The sower supply is equipped with the front panel to display the required measured parameters. It works on 3 phase mains supply and is housed in a sturdy MS cabinet. All panels are powder coated for durability.


  • For endurance testing of capacitor in temperature condition for longer durations as specified by IS standards.
  • An essential quality feature for capacitor quality assurance.